Superb Event Called NOUVEAU 2K12!

Grab the ticket fast only IDR 35.000 for first 500 tickets, IDR 40.000 after it, OTS IDR 45.000 

BUY ticket at SMAN 5 Surabaya, jl. Kusuma Bangsa no.21
Monday-Friday 15.00-17.00 
Saturday 08.00-13.00

FOLLOW @Nouveau_2k12 and update more info! 
Rida 085731818111
Laras 0817373023

Living in Peace

Taken from Flickr

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace
You, you may say 
I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world
You, you may say 
I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will live as one

Peace cannot be kept by force, it can only be achieved by understanding. 


Nice Western Songs Versi My Opinion

Nice songs that I always try to memorize, which I have or no, which I want to sing, that have beautiful lyrics, and have a marvelous melody to be heard in my opinion are:

  1. I Can See Clearly Now  - Jimmy Cliff
I love this song because of the tones. Actually it's not too difficult to memorize because it has  little lyrics and the words aren't tiresome. It's a good choice for you that like cheerful music!

    2. One Last Cry - Brian McKnight

It's one of many songs from BMK that I love. It's a song that can touch your feeling, especially with BMK's voice. "...I need some love to rain on me still I sit all alone. Wishing all my feelings was gone. Gotta get over you. Nothing for me to do but have one last cry.." truly madly deeply touching my heart :d

    3. Don't You Worry 'bout A Thing - John Legend

Yap! I'm fan of JL, he has beautiful voice. And it's interesting song to be heard and as far as I can see, it's a soundtrack of film (but I forget the tittle). I also like the lyrics "..Everybody needs a change. A chance to check out the new.." :tone

    4. After The Love Has Gone - Earth Wind and Fire

I like this because the tones and the voice of the singers. They brought this song well, can entertain the listener with their perfomance. And there's beautiful sound of saxophone, very impressive :L

    5. Come Fly With Me - Frank Sinatra

For you that like Jazz Music, this song can be your favorite choice to be heard. With the music and the voice of Frank Sinatra, this song can adorns your night and brings you to take a bed :O


Tak Kentut, Maka Tak Sehat pt.2

Nah, setelah aku nyampe rumah, aku minum deh itu obat. 1 sdm obat mag, sama 1 butir obat mual-mual dan ngga ketinggalan 1 bacaan do'a sebelum makan ekekek. Katanya sih diminum 15mnt sebelum makan, tapi ya habis minum obat aku langsung makan mungkin jarak waktunya cuman 1mnt (beda jauh sama yang diwajibkan). Ibuk waktu itu masak soto hehehe ibuku pinter loh untuk urusan masak-memasak (hati-hati anda juga bisa dimasak!) dan ibuk juga jago nyanyi *cilelahh* hahaha soprano pula, nyanyinya tiap pagi (nyanyi marah-marahin anaknya yang bandel-bandel ini) hahaha.

Biasanya aku makan cuman bentar, nah tapi ini kok lama gara-gara ga bisa makan (?) alias masih munek-munek kalo makan. Tapi mau ga mau atau bisa ga bisa ya harus mau dan juga harus bisa. Kalo ga gitu ya kapan sembuhnya? Habis makan, ga tau kenapa aduh aku ga kuat berdiri pekkk. Perutku suakite pol-pol-an *tarik napas sampe napas ga bisa ditarik* it's a madness of my stomachache. Alhasil, mbakku Farikha ngerok-i aku. Kata Ibuk mending dikerok-i aja biar cepet sembuh.

Yak, setelah dikerok-i aku tidur lagi, ga kuat man buat tetep melek. Tapi bisa dibilang tidurku itu termasuk tidur yang gak nyenyak yang pernah aku rasakan. Pake jaket, padahal udaranya panas tetapi menurutku dingin banget kaya di Kutub Utara (l-e-b-a-i). Wihhh..brrrrr...grrrr....arrrr...rrrrrr *suara ngorok kedinginan*

Setelah aku bangun tadi masa tidurku, mau mandi aduh ga kebayang gimana dinginnya air kamar mandi. Mau 'nggodok' air panas tapi ga bisa, perut ane sakit edan mannn (hehehe benernya juga males) OK, it wasn't a thing that need to be bigger. Yakss, aku memutuskan untuk tidak mandi waktu itu. Daripada kepeleset, terus pingsan, terus air nya jadi darah, tiba-tiba di belakang ada mbaKunci (read:Kunti) gimana hayo?! *film Indonesia banget* ehehe. Karena juga, waktu itu ibu sama ayah lagi jalan-jalan ngga tau kemana, mba Rikha juga lagi les, dan pastinya adikku juga ga bakalan mau karena dia ga bisa 'menggodok air'. 

Tak Kentut, Maka Tak Sehat pt.1

Hehehe pengabdian dr kalimat 'tak kenal maka tak sayang' . Maksud dari title postingan ini adalah Tak Kentut, Maka Tak Sehat *nah loh sama aja kali*. Sudah 2 hari ini perutku sakit dan juga sudah 2 hari ini aku belum bisa kentut, hukum tersebut berarti bahwa aku ga sehat, bener kan? Ga tau apa yang bermasalah pada perutku ini.

Awal-awalnya sih ya cuma sakit perut biasa kayak masuk angin aja, terus 2 jam kemudian aku munek-munek (read:'muntah-muntah-an') kayak orang habis keselekan kucing segede kucing (?) yang ga bisa dikeluarkan dari rongga mulut. Mau muntah, eh ga jadi, mau muntah lagi eh ga jadi, and finally my fifth 'vomiting experiment' was succesful! hahaha akhirnya aku bisa mengeluarkan apa yang nyangkut di tenggorokan. Yang keluar adalah makanan yang aku makan kemarin malam dalam keadaan tak utuh dan juga air sebanyak 1lt-an lah. Dan akhirnya lagi, saya dibawa ke klinik dekat rumah. Klinik-nya sih ga gede, itu ruko tapi ya namanya juga orang sakit ngapain juga pake pikir panjang (ya ga?)

Waktu di klinik...

Ada 2 mbak yang menurut aku mereka *maaf adalah 'housemaid'. Salah satu dari mereka ada yang kakinya itu seperti habis dipukul dengan benda tajam, lalu tangannya kenak minyak, dll (aku kurang tau). Di dalam benak fikiran-ku *cileelahh* sepertinya mbak ini dianiyaya majikannya, tapi kan boleh suudzon yah hehehe

Nah, namaku akhirnya dipanggil sama si dokter, namanya dr.Lili. Orangnya baik, kayaknya orangnya ya pintar (namanya juga dokter), dan sabar. Nah buDok ini mulai mengajukan pertanyaan ke aku seperti yang ada di film action gt hehe dan ayahku (ceritanya pengacaraku) juga ikutan jawab.

The Time is Running Fast ...

Saying goodbye to a dear friend is never easy. But, sometimes, it's the only right thing to do for them.

   I've already received my report card, and I just went up to 9th grade. Horrayyyyy..!! :party. It meant I could continue my study at higher levels. But it also meant I had to separated with my friends in DEMO (DelapanEMangOke). I'm kinda sad today :(, because of it.
   We've been together for 12 months. We passed our days in class together, sometimes there was a problem that could make us confused, sometimes We were compact when the teacher asked us to join something, sometimes We never liked as a family. Oh bitter, sweet, sour, spicy have been passed by us! But the times said difference, they already have decision that 'DEMO 2k9-2k10 has to isolated'. 
    I really didn't expect it, but it's a good thing for me, for us, for DEMO. We have to put an end to our periods in 8th grade. I wanna continue my study, I don't wanna quit my study only at 8th grade. I have goals, I have my own future, I don't have to quit in here, I have to achieve all my dreams that will be happen in my future. 

We never separated as long as We're still friends, members of DEMO 2k9-2k10.

Ingat pesan guru-guru yang lain juga,

Lots of LOVE :)
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